When the spirit takes hold of the fetus at three months gestation usually the beginnings of a reticular formation are first seen and at this point its soul archive of its past life with 'skills' such as dance, piano or other instruments played or singing for example or any skills really the entity may have studied and trained in are often woven in to this incarnations reticular formation in the womb.  What this means is the mystery of 'gifts' people have to do certain things is then revealed and explained! In forming the new brain all kinds of propensities from the last life may be created from the genetic material of the parents moulded with the influence of the soul incarnating with it's gifts for this life time. It is from the God within who is the supreme power to weave it in the new brain forming it not an external god to pray to for gifts of talents to be given as in religious teachings of some. 

Now we know that the reticular formation is involved in movement of the body so there fore codex information and keys to unlocking these gifts may be put into the brain forming by the spirit incarnating from its soul archive.  Therefore when we are exposed to music that moves the divine instrument of the being incarnate to dance or sing or to grab musical instruments or paints for example it is desiring to pick up where it left off in the last life and use them. Often people spontaneously show gifts that seemingly appeared from nowhere that were in fact brought to the life of the baby and growing up they may begin to emerge.  continuing to practice these talents and or further training is possible.  For example from Marilyn Monroe I brought dance and singing though never had formal training and actually was bored and quit all dance classes in this life time having taken them previously.  New skills I trained in in this life such as key board typing for writing on a computer so that is a new skill; we did not have lap tops for example.  This is also reticular involving with other brain areas such as the cerebellum for it is autonomic when you type fast enough to have fast type speed as is dance autonomic once you are in a flow outside of the motor cortex.  Cerebellum which is all mind consciousness of the incarnate entity is in those areas is the past life who grew the new incarnation. Now I know there is a book out that claims another woman was her.  My comment? First there is stolen light there in her trances mine my testimony here and out of it she does not sound or look like her.  I watched a video of her on Y tube that said she commited suicide was depressed. Well really? With bruised shoulders on a body lying face down which was found and signs of face trauma like being pushed into a pillow to suffocate?  I was prone to coughs this life upon emotional upset bronchitis as a non smoker.  I cured it later when I remembered this life. She is a fake done by ET's to get me out of the market when I wrote Coast to Coast if he'd like to interview me and shortly after I found an interview with her on it when ET's with people were backing up my sales and taking millions on my craft support for others who were corrupt. Some of those were interviewed on that Internet show as well over the years. Further more they took DNA for many of them and wanted me shut up and hidden to keep doing it.  My testimony here from rel experience. I fought this battle for ten years against those jealous of what the big andromedan craft gave me as world recognition for my ascension against established new age names who were dirty some used the blue butterfly to identify themselves. They all had fat bank accounts I had nothing easy to verify if they looked at income because mine were permitted to read event  they tried to ration without being able to sign up for my event for a long time. All my contacts were taken over friends and family kept away from me finally I got my kids back who love me more than any one they told me. My business contacts began to write to me finally and I'm still getting my life back with andromedans going after all the pig outs.

Gifts of all kinds are given in incarnation and so the mystery of where they come from when spontaneously appearing is now answered.  The most important one is this: where is heaven?  It is on earth when our focus creates a joyous state of awakening.  Where is it after death some experience? It is away from people.  It is through the trees being the sun, the rain, the grass the butterfly, anything that is the unity that new age people come back reincarnate and sit watching people in drama not remember not remember ironically in death being one with nature with the sun the trees the flowers water even and then one day they know how to fire in a little fetus to reincarnate for we fire like the sun in neurons like tree branches in a fluid medium; the biological matrix and we have codex of purity having done this not encesarrily so driven to have a meeting with another incarnate over something we roved in death in that incarnate entity's light observing them in soul observance obsessed to have the meeting to tell them a message.  Why bother it's a new life without that past moment.  Now I disagree we dump our past life archive to the world becuse its in our cerebellum so andromedans please do nto over grove or past lived in anyone as gifts to them to experience thanks.  I had this problem with them so much so a stranger trance mediumed me and was written about by a psychiatrist as beng me reincarnated Marilyn Monroe to my aghast.  I was very shocked and upset by this for after all I gave people in this life even from my past in my movie writing brilliance and I use that life Marilyn this was a huge betrayal of me huge. My son was also betrayed in his and my daugther. Were a famous family in terms of my ascension and the prominace of my children and who they were past lives. It means the cerebellum is the entity's biological like hardware that it has its lives in past lives.  The last light review is there it's who is in the newe fetus designed it from the DNA sitting there and had its growth term of nine months.  Prior to that the past life of the entity now incarnating had an archive of who he or she was in the previous life to that one in the cerebellum as well that this brain also has was to the very beginning of its creation millions of years ago. No one can force this open only the Holy Spirit can when people remember in life in being alive it opens it without NDE it can do this.  I do this writing for film and TV all the time.

I no longer NDE because of the ascension so my whole body is as if it is the codex anchored to it for the whole thing glows and is mobile it no longer dies leaving a body the whole body leaves.  That is the difference between ascesnion and death.  Our archive of codex belongs to us not others as a pouch to spill to the earth to leve to tohers to become they have their own gifts to become from many life times.  In fact in life our soul observance roves can get inspiration from others in our soul group for artistic creation, writing, singing, design whatever it may be. You will come upon Soul Observance article in a secret are of this blog keep reading if you did not find it already. Remember a rove of feeling each other in the soul or heart embracing that is far slower than how the brain roves in higher light levels (heart felt embraces are slowing mirror neurons to each other 'felt' in embrace. We do not do this far away or we'd pull each others flesh. Our roves of each oher are very fast, non cortex roves higher brain center roves. 

In death unity with all is not ascension it is in death this happens the incarnatig entity knows this if it spent its time this way prior to incarnating. It is its knowledge of the wholeness of God as itself as God. It forgets this incarnating and mapping its brain its cortex with motor cortex skills meory, learning in school and has strong impressions if its past life in its drawings usualy or writing as children. Save their drawings for them your children's even if you put them into a big box into storage.

Part of the reason no one ascended in a very long time is we look for God in Heaven in death as most religions speak of. We foget in life we are on with everything as God alive and have to learn the science of how to make manifest an immortal garment this curent biological matrix if so chosen and if possible. A clean healthy body is necesary to do this with free of health burdens and the giving up of life which is now ageing in progress difficult to break the cycle of for most without huge effort if it is advanced. Some may halt it for a while and slowly move forward some may decide to do this in the next life.  Please do not over engage us ET's with NDE's so we get a chance to choose. Look at this page in the choosing for well being also.  Print off and keep it; it is a must for prevention if you are karmikly disposed to any of these you can prevent them and eradicate the karma. Karma busting power!

NOTE:  Energy must be out of lower organs in order to teleport the body.

Dior designed things for 'Marilyn Monroe ' reincarnated here shes on his site and we have the modern goddess with Inanna star bracelets and neklaces with compass like twirl (great if you found my work too this blog and in the future movies I wrote 40 of them and Luna teleplay) and want some magical item you empower with your love and deidcation in rememberance of your success in study of Blue Matrix Energetics.  I had originally thought about some jewel designs of my own however with Cartier and Dior on the prowl it saves me time and money they are already fabulous jewel houses along with Chanel they all creted items for us who study Starlight's work! I am thrilled with these offerings of theirs for keep sake items that remind us of our work here in the riches of jewels!  We are polished people of BME with style and panache.   Look under the blue rose illuminated rain like baguet. 


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