I had the best experience with breast implants after having two lovely children very good surgery results and fast healing which my energy science knowledge definitely helped  so for readers for Starlight's date practice the Qantum Mind Tech tools presented here they can enhance your recovery from cosmetic surgery.  My experience was that I had sub muscular saline ones put in which to this day are soft and natural looking.  The andromedans decided to support breast implants and cosmetic surgery in general for woman to feel and look their best after child bearing and in general. They le me try the new gell cohesive also which I had no reaction to at all and was happy with I still like the saline ones also. I ascended with the salines so they proved flight worthy for modern masters never broke and were there after disappearing and reappearing thousands of times. 
I found the breast implants look great after the first year when they settle and your muscle accommodates the change and they look more natural as the years go by. There is a less than 2% capsular contraction rate in saline breast implants sub muscular placement so they are proven safe and offer a new freedom fro women from padded bras etc. You can wear a tank and look great the muscle support is like a built in bra with a natural look. The new breast implant procedures with gel cohesive offer smaller implants for a very natural look for flat chested women and more full looks also so there are a variety of styles of look to choose from. I prefer the smooth shelled ones that move inside the breast pocket that I got the choice is your own personal preference.  The easiest way to hide the scar is through the nipple placement the scar blends into the tissue and fades to almost nothing.  

I added this information on this blog because breast implants are a choice for many women in modern times even hyperspace navigators of the future may enjoy these and yes they come back with you if you fold space time. Women with allergies would likely enjoy the saline ones if they are worried at all about rejection or problems. Most are fine with the new gels is what I'm hearing more and more likely because they feel like real flesh the saline ones are a bit firmer however have a great look also.  

Gel cohesives are a gel that is bound together not like old liquid silicone that broke apart so they are safer and approved for use in women. Ultimately when you go for a fitting the cosmetic surgeon will show you the different styles and size and placement options for the best results.

The reason women loose breast tissue from nursing is because it turns to brown fat during growth of the breast tissue which has a faster metabolic rate than normal fat and is metabolized off the body. In fact much of the fat gained during pregnancy is brown fat to burn off for milk production.  So women loose breast tissue and perhaps look more arerodynamic with small breasts when they finish nursing however after multiple pregnancies usually they have some tissue sag that breast implants fill up and actually give a very good result because the skin has already gone through stretching and accomodates the implants easily.

Regarding cosmetic surgery in general I'll share this I lost five pounds then finished my ascension it was this five pounds that was like this little wobble that bothered me. Only five lousy pounds! So those who are bothered and stuck in repetitive attitude inertia and genetic body that predisposes them to stay stuck cosmetic surgery can suck out a belly that is no longer there to rove or buttocks thighs anything. It forces change drastic change on a person who is determined to be the best the being can be without the stuck on hating it. So it is an option for men and women to move forward to give their bodies a total shock into a new life they love. Quantum Slim works very well with people who have had cosmetic surgery and have a little help getting shape changes wired into the brain through cosmetic surgery help where genetic shape is wired so strongly it is a huge struggle to shed weight in desired areas. Cosmetic surgery can help change this wiring to expedite desired results from Quantum Slim with the program for the ultimate shaping and life program that is a joyous experience. 

There is new Ultrasonic liposuction with surgery which involves an ultra sonic wave melting the fat first then they make small incisions in discreet areas and suction it out.  The results are stunning no scars and nice contoured shape ideal for those who have stubborn areas where the weight does not come off even with weight loss programs and  the proceedure can solve that by removing it! I recommend any cosmetic surgery proceedure  that makes the Quantum Slim program I offer in the first live event (it is included) more successful with stunning results.

Re fillers like Restylane many use them to soften face lines and to fill out lips.  Another older product is  collagen the collagen can be used around the lip vermillion border with Resylane for more definition. Restylane is produced from a bacterium non animal source and for some provides less swelling than Hylaform derived from the chicken egg. 


  1. Thank you for the information. I will be reviewing it soon and will let you know if we have any follow-up questions.
    Are Saline Breast Implants A Good Choice Thank you for sending this info. I learned alot from it.


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