Alright for those who will reincarnate in this life time here is your task:  make up a collection of your photos and important work from this life time and place into a box.  Give it to a young living family member or friend.  If you have studied the soul observance work especially you are out of karma and are planning your next incarnation and are a living archivist in the future.  When I write my past life of Marilyn Monroe is my archivist of the past life and I write from this archivist who also is able to access other past lives.  If you do this task of collecting important things about your past life then you will have a UV Blue task in the next life driven to find your little box an likely will meet the entity who has the information you left behind.  Decide prior where you want to reincarnate make sure it is in the same country if possible where you left your stash. Even if you do not its possible you will find it if you travel.  This allows you to do your entity work in your next life time and you have a photo of your face and written things about your life you incarnated from again in a new life. 

What is the secret dead people who reincarnte hold? That since heaven is all around us in hyperspace which they are reminded upon death, even religious people are reminded of this,  they are playing the game of split brain cortex self doll land to create a better heaven on Earth and why they are not fully 'awake.' This game has intimations, symbolism and rarely spoken words and more often creative workat the highest point, acceptably put into the brain the big cortex which is to show what is possible to create a better Earth which takes hundreds of years it is like molasses and not like others who have anti gravity and are immortals and are visiting like Andromedans create FAST.  Toss the game out when you reincarnate and awaken to longevity and possible immortality.  Look why it may be a better reality: 

Interesting report a little irish one was sitting with his
mother and they said, 'where is heaven he was out 
for a moment you see they said, 'is it all around you?' Andromedans did this to show him.

He said, 'yes but they make you belive in religion to
get fed and to live.' He had to deny his own 
observers truth for a meal .

In this life if you know who you were then create a masque out of a printed photo to entity and spirit your soul knows what this means and your Holy Spirit is able then to bring up the memories of your life and you may make any notes about your impressions or memories. 

When it is time to go some have gone within and asked from the most power they could feel to stop their heart in old age and died peacefully in their sleep; it is how a merciful entity knows how to end an incarnation. This is final to leave the body and be free of this incarnation people have done this for not to be trapped in multiple NDE's.  

So for those planning reincarnation here is why this happens to most people from older generations:

The apocalyptic effect of humanity all wanting to create heaven on earth unity we have with all life yet hiding it from each other (through the cortex self mapping doll effect into adult hood like children do growing p for ‘acceptance’ keeping things like soul observance roves secret and our agendas which means the intent is rigged to fail with apocalyptic effect of not only ageing illness death but cataclysms and other disturbances that end life continuously on Earth.  Knowing about this has produced thousands of years of predictions of the apocalypse or Armageddon; a warning to awaken opening the brain fully or else.  


Now new parents to be you may in your heavenly lovemaking practice call upon souls of the deceased who never got to finish studying and or realizing my work BME to come to you as a child so many worry about this in their older years. Faberge made really cool egg pendants with 'I love you' on them.  They are same intent as blue butterflies but these are little ones 'hatched' and new to Earth.  If you get pregnant and get your child any Faberge pendant you may tell them its my promise to them they may study my work and find me.  See Le Petit Soleil page and show your child the page later my message is there for the child.  Of course existing kids can have them as gifts from their parents who want to participate. Others we don't care we love you participate any way you like. Recently a female designer passed away at age 86 she did something that meant a lot to me  on a sweater that reminded me of being reunited with my kids.  It's for her too and it inspired this idea to share with you all as well. I wrote films too they will find later.  Some important people remembered me coming back and helped me also to find my way to my full awakening and created things for me to find and for my children.


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