On time travel and the reticular formation the reticular changes according to attainment and to time travel as discussed previously an ascended entity does not move itself to a point in space time with the old reticular of non awakened fully state old or another persons to visit them in a past or future time that is not safe for the brain of such an entity and it is not their codex wiring neither is their current codex wiring. An ascended entity's reticular is in the flow if its space time in a high vibration so opening a past time even a past life it is always in the conscious awareness in the present with a quality of awake and out of the illusion of linear time flow of the lesser reality.
Common man is the same but slower and it is a dangerous game to reproduce the same reticular formation of the past holding chronic illness for example or a behavior feed back loop pattern. Fear does this and I am disclosing this top secret codex information because of Andromeda's request as well of people who have been engaged and who get a boost to hyper jump healing not to go back to the past but to stay forward. Remembering the past that is not scary but joyous is fine for we build upon those moments forward. Recreating fear and the old reticular pattern that is counter productive in any way to our most exalted state is very unwise. A clue as to how soul observance works in relation to creating the future may be revealed now. Would you rove your old aunt who is stuck in memorabilia from the thirties and bingo? Or would you choose another who's inspiring to rove? Rekindling old music when you were young in college actually ages you because it is not part of a future with a savvy and enlightened collective that is moving forward in all levels of our society that is in an evolutionary stream that is ageless. The past of an era as identified as your lost youth as if it is stuck in a time warp reflecting on the cells stuck as the past that a large collective of the ageing population holds together not the young. Only as reinvented as what I term retro slick or used as humour is it then set free from that stuck collective in ageing and a moving towards death. In the sex industry the average consumer is also yes older so there is a collective of ageing people wishing for their college years to be back embracing that industry and it is why there is no fountain of youth found there.
Pause here for reflection for the future of an amazing kind...
Marilyn Monroe with Carl Sandburg
Time travel is possible as an observer who is paradoxically forward, modern and awake in order to open the past at all therefore time travel encompasses the agreed to illusion of a sensory stream where we use advanced soul observance to rove a soul roving us and may enter a scene for example. I will not describe how it is for the divine intelligence to reveal when people are ready to experience this as I have. Our own past lives are also readable this way as well as viewing them is indeed time travel. Moving forward into the future is also finding roves of others roving us into it isn't it? Contemplate who your fiends are and what their non disclosure fits are about what they do not want you to know and why. Keeps the future out doesn't it? Pausing for station identification...Allow the ones who desire to stay in their old reticular that place they will have the same conversation with you ageing and dying fast to shed the old body and to reincarnate to catch up with you in the next life time or closer to it. Leave them be as it. The rest of you stay awake please and understand the reticular of time is non linear it is a lattice a web work of information.
Queen for a day or was it another life time? Some may ask this for what if your disguise is so good well these faint memories of being around those with proper manners and decorum makes you say, what is wrong with these people?
Anger jumps others reticular yelling especially it tears through an entity's space time. It is abusive and suable in the future if people abuse eZach other that way. It is abuse by ET's if people are implanted to have to yell at each other also ripping into each others reticular and space time. Sing instead that gets the energy up the spine inward and releases the implantation and is non abusive. Sexuality is also reticular engaging and is it no wonder some partners do not want to bond with another sexually who is in some way obese or unhealthy; that reticular engages the other lovers during the sex act and requires you love that physical quantum state your lover is wearing as yourself in the sex act for that is sexual bonding as well for that is the sex act and many gain weight or get sick with those partners.
Note: Quantum Slim is possible to work on together for then the goal is well being and to love the slender body together. Heavenly Love Making will make a lot of sense after you have read this text. Porno has the observer tuning into the actors and their biological state in the movie those are the reticular formations observed in the performers and their reality is roved by those watching and the loud grunting and moaning is there to tune out the cameras and other set distractions so it is over amplified sex as the program running as the viewed content. Performance anxiety junkies in life in general are bred from porno consumption that is its reticular reward. Competitiveness is there as well amplified in the entities who watch a lot of hard core porno and it is a very good form of entertainment to shut down higher brain centers away from awakening and stuck in a very tightly woven predictable program and the past; the ageing and death program.
Pause here for a moment of reflection on the reticular and authenticity...
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As mentioned before the past life is incarnated at three months gestation or more for that is the earliest the reticular is formed in the foetus so that is its last life time and the present life time needs to be encouraged to awaken into a greater wholeness not fragmentation. How is it possible to remember the past life? Through love; for if you sit and love yourself and ask your divine within to show you your past life love it intensely it will.
In the future of our creation there exist people who will show up and may already be thinking about us in that future seeing it unfold and when we meet in mind in such a harmony and when there are many, that is the point of convergence of the quantum lands forming as 'the future' of our intent. Reticular formations that belong there in sovereignty will have a vibratory codex key given type of formation that enables the many to enter those lands usually from a collective agreement to participate that is non karmic and of a higher vibratory nature.
I noticed after ascension the mirror neurons are not the same if we engage gold for gold is friendly to our blood and biological matrix because we learn how to manifest it and it is a part of our codex and DNA's capability so our mirror state is 'golden.'
WARNING: Lousy jobs are not desired re the cemetery crew the depictions of Ascended Masters called by some; 'the Angels'.
RETICULAR: The only spider sitting on the reticular is the Holy Spirit of the entity weaving it; no one else owns that biological map.
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