
Showing posts from 2013


Alright for those who will reincarnate in this life time here is your task:  make up a collection of your photos and important work from this life time and place into a box.  Give it to a young living family member or friend.  If you have studied the soul observance work especially you are out of karma and are planning your next incarnation and are a living archivist in the future.  When I write my past life of Marilyn Monroe is my archivist of the past life and I write from this archivist who also is able to access other past lives.  If you do this task of collecting important things about your past life then you will have a UV Blue task in the  next life driven to find  your little box an likely will meet the entity who has the information you left behind.  Decide prior where you want to reincarnate make sure it is in the same country if possible where you left your stash. Even if you do not its possible you ...


On time travel and the reticular formation the reticular  changes according to attainment and to time travel as discussed previously an ascended entity does not move itself to a point in space time with the old reticular of non awakened fully state old or another persons to visit them in a past or future time that is not safe for the brain of such an entity and it is not their codex wiring neither is their current codex wiring. An ascended entity's reticular is in the flow if its space time in a high vibration so opening a past time even a past life it is always in the conscious awareness in the present with a quality of awake and out of the illusion of linear time flow of the lesser reality.  Common man is the same but slower and it is a dangerous game to reproduce the same reticular formation of the past holding chronic illness for example or a behavior feed back loop pattern.  Fear does this and I am disclosing this top secret codex information because ...