When the spirit takes hold of the fetus at three months gestation usually the beginnings of a reticular formation are first seen and at this point its soul archive of its past life with 'skills' such as dance, piano or other instruments played or singing for example or any skills really the entity may have studied and trained in are often woven in to this incarnations reticular formation in the womb. What this means is the mystery of 'gifts' people have to do certain things is then revealed and explained! In forming the new brain all kinds of propensities from the last life may be created from the genetic material of the parents moulded with the influence of the soul incarnating with it's gifts for this life time. It is from the God within who is the supreme power to weave it in the new brain forming it not an external god to pray to for gifts of talents to be given as in religious teachings of some. Now we know that the reticular formation is...