
Showing posts from 2016


In order to understand andromedan space craft spinning well look at a weather vein and it sits then it spins in the wind and all you see is a blur of a spinning circle if it flew off its stand it would fly like a disk through the air.  Now if you have a compass and sit and do your order of the day in Le Petit Cafe then it may take you around the world to have it manifest! And then the spinning of the compass wildly in your hand caused by great un anchoring of magnetism which would cause your compass needle to go round and round wildly then it would stop and point in the correct direction again.  Anti gravity disturbance is happening is why it does this. So the observer comes before the map it creates the map for itself to follow and in case of finding past life information it is clean of all others DNA first or it will read all others LOSER REALITY:) So a small person holding a compass is a tiny speck if you look at a map and coordinates of longitude and latitude and put you in an exa


Well there is a story of a de classification of secret files information that the large cortexes finally got in order to unify the consciousness opening the brain to its full potential around this topic which happened to me. You see my favorite dress my brilliant Goddess within had stashed away as symbols to remember in this life time.  I would see the dots on the dress the sewn on beads; pearls and by the way it is not a jizz dress as some joked for that is the paisley pattern that runs into that shape of paisley these are stitched on beads that stay in place they don't run sweeties. Any way I would see this dress and hear static which was the mike on stage of the moment Marilyn life I sang to the Kennedy's for Jack's birthday. So I wanted to remember who I was this life time and so I hid this dress in my deep subconscious.  I painted dots all over my artwork like genetic information from DNA only I'm a woman so it is female information. All the artwork has it so


There are giants left on Earth this race was wiped out somehow all the huge statues of the past the people of their height are largely gone. Our race appears to ge getting larger again with taller people born each generation according to studies.


Well here it is:  Soul Observance for Animal Lovers yes it exists; a non dog eat dog ability. Animals are highly psychic  and dogs and cats are cortex mappers and play stupid just like humanity stuck in the doll syndrome of doing it to itself in the game of life and karma.  (This topic of doll land game of life and karma is talked about in other areas of this blog for you to find; I'm not going to make it easy for you study you'll find it).  Now the cat reads you psychicly so does the dog so does any animal you engage only they often pretend they don't they blink blank out and turn away so you don't know they did it.  Strategy of the wild dog eat dog food chain and all that which HUMANITY SHOULD HAVE OUTGROWN ALONG AGO.  The animal (if you have a pet follow it around for a day you'll see it even do it with your kid if the being is interested only the kid is doing it too however it will consciously map what it is doing see?) Animals are strongy open to s


When I look at this I see round globes rounder than today's rounded teapot looking craft that the andromedans have to up top with.  Take the magician's or worse witches cauldron for example. With all kinds of odd items in it then it boils so with the very round space craft we had even over earth early on when forty foot tall people lived here our past mine included (some statues of Hathor were that big and she roved James Dean's earlier life time my soul mate Horus the elder you can see it if you look) now . So we had this strange ball glowing reflecting the sun brightly like an orb which simulated later folding of space time capability to arrive that the andromedans built.  At this time I remember them hovering slowly and going straight I'm not sure if we had interdimensional travel yet. I remember etchings dots some swirls also and an eyelash like mechanism I see that makes a tick tick tick sound and floats up in anti gravity and defies space time linear 'cl


This area is to do with the first secret document created during the beginning of engagement by the ET's.  It was a true secret document for only used copies sold for ten years as it was kept under wraps by a faction of insanity in the skies. Why?  It speaks of a society without the doll program of both the human in fear doing it to itself and perpetuated by ET's to run a variety of programs most useless to me or by now I'd be rich from it at the time of this writing.  It killed my business totally for that long the program I described. If anyone tries to dispute that they'll fail. It is out of print now I did not renew my contract and wrote two feature films from it instead as they would not all now it to sell.  Anyway Starlight was everywhere all over the world with great tributes to me in productions, fashion world events etc. etc. to help bring the doll land to an end is why they did it. Those disgruntled they were on the lands for sales and had to run it paid


This formed around Alpha Centauri what is it?  Something that sees all the way to here what is happening this heart is for you who want to live who awakened it is where we all came from the gods some still asleep some awakening. It sees and loves those who awakened and are for life lived fully and richly. For us from us out there non locally. You have found this secret area of astonishing revelation here a sneak peek at the feature film screenplay January Onward the Year in the works with over 35 films written by me.  DRYDEN The dark place in the center of your eye.  Reminds me of that. LAIRA Of how we are built?  The microcosm plugged into the macrocosm?  Lenses in the skies like eyes of dead nebulas looking at us?  Anywhere we are plugged in all the time if we stop and go there.  Thousands of words of data there to be downloaded once you accept it. She comes back from trance and looks at him. DRYDEN It’s like the sci-fi movies they try to find