Well here it is: Soul Observance for Animal Lovers yes it exists; a non dog eat dog ability. Animals are highly psychic and dogs and cats are cortex mappers and play stupid just like humanity stuck in the doll syndrome of doing it to itself in the game of life and karma. (This topic of doll land game of life and karma is talked about in other areas of this blog for you to find; I'm not going to make it easy for you study you'll find it). Now the cat reads you psychicly so does the dog so does any animal you engage only they often pretend they don't they blink blank out and turn away so you don't know they did it. Strategy of the wild dog eat dog food chain and all that which HUMANITY SHOULD HAVE OUTGROWN ALONG AGO. The animal (if you have a pet follow it around for a day you'll see it even do it with your kid if the being is interested only the kid is doing it too however it will consciously map what it is doing see?) Animals are strongy ...