When I look at this I see round globes rounder than today's rounded teapot looking craft that the andromedans have to up top with. Take the magician's or worse witches cauldron for example. With all kinds of odd items in it then it boils so with the very round space craft we had even over earth early on when forty foot tall people lived here our past mine included (some statues of Hathor were that big and she roved James Dean's earlier life time my soul mate Horus the elder you can see it if you look) now . So we had this strange ball glowing reflecting the sun brightly like an orb which simulated later folding of space time capability to arrive that the andromedans built. At this time I remember them hovering slowly and going straight I'm not sure if we had interdimensional travel yet. I remember etchings dots some swirls also and an eyelash like mechanism I see that makes a tick tick tick sound and floats up in anti gravity and defi...