HATHOR - Based on a True Story (author's story from memory) -Hathor EXT. ABYDOS THE ROYAL DOMICILE – DAY A baby girl lies in a bassinet she is all smiles with a round joyous face looking up to the sky she kicks in her bassinet little fists going as she enjoys the outdoor air beneath some palm trees. It is Hathor born to the Egyptian Kingdom smiling little face seen for the first time in the story. EXT. DENDERA THE COURTYARD – DAY Hathor is grown is in her early twenties she is sitting across from her husband Horus the Elder. They are a very tall race of forty feet so their space time of processing of consciousness is measured and functioning to scale as slower and much deeper appearing for they linger longer on moments of observation than today’s smaller humanity we all became for now the race is smaller when once it was very great and tall over all the Earth. The two lovers are soul mates and sit in wonder of each other. A lady bug is crawling...